To be completely honest, sometimes life sucks. Sometimes we don’t know if we’ll make it through. Sometimes we don’t know where we’re headed or the ‘why’ behind our circumstances. Sometimes our hearts break. Sometimes we lose people we love and our worlds are left in pieces. Sometimes we feel helpless. Sometimes we’re scared. Sometimes we don’t want to open our eyes when we hear that alarm clock beep. But here’s the thing, today you did. Today you opened your eyes. Today you shrugged out of bed. Today you took a breath, you stepped, you nodded, you walked, you continued. And that’s truly admirable. And I know it was hard. Moving forward was damn hard. Being a human was damn hard. But you did it. You continued. And so, today, I only hope for one thing: I hope that you learn to laugh. I know your days are tough. I know sometimes you feel defeated, and you don’t want to believe in goodness, because goodness has failed you time and time again. I know you ache, I know. But I hop...